About The Workshop

Magnets are important in all Big Science physics projects and magnet technologies are under continuous R&D in order to fulfill the requirements from accelerators and experiments with substantial associated developments in superconductors, cryogenics and vacuum.

Today, no single company is able to provide the high technological demanding magnets alone as the parts comprise high vacuum, cryogenics and superconductor technologies and other challenging aspects of material technologies. In the future more parties are required to co-operate in order to construct delicate and yet expensive scientific instruments.

The workshop was targeted to companies working in the field of: And companies interested in developing and offering CERN technologies as part of their production or products line.

The amount of participants was limited to 60 people (first comes, first served basis) from the high-tech companies around Europe.

The workshop was held at CERN in Geneva, on 7th and 8th of June 2006.