The Agenda

Day 1 (Wednesday 7.6.2006)

Auditorium AB Meyrin:
14:00 Welcome and CERN general presentation (M. Metzger)
14:15 Overview of new science projects (K. Peach)
14:50 Trends in Magnet technologies (D. Tommasini)
15:20 Overview of upgrading present installations and trends in future experiments
(D. Denegri)
+ Additional comments (D. Campi)
16.00 Material development issues (S. Sgobba) and CLIC (G. Arnau)
17:00 Technology Transfer opportunities (E. Sirage, B. Bressan, M. Bianchi-Streit)
17:30 Companies attending and their focus for co-operation (one of ILOs)
18:00 Overview to Big Science projects and their collaboration possibilities from ILOs point of view
8 Please contact Mr Heikkila to get the presentation.
20:00 ITER requirements for magnet development (A. Portone)
20:30 Observations and discussion on afternoon presentation outcomes between NTTOs, TT Group members and Industry representatives during the dinner.

Day 2 (Thursday 8.6.2006)

08:30 Visit to CLIC test facility, CTF2/CTF3
09:15 Visit to dipole magnet test assembly, SM18

Main building:
10:15 Pre-scheduled meetings between companies and CERN experts (Organized jointly by ILOs and TT) With a focus on:

Salle A Bat. 503 1st floor:
11:45 Meeting with inventor of CERN selected technologies.
-13:00 Device for magnetic calibration 3D, Diaphragm System, Hood Clamshell tool, Cryogenic saving unit, Optical fibrecryogenic temperature sensor, Titanium Polishing, Medipix2 (F. Bergsma, A. Ijspeert , W. Scandale, E. Sirage, A. Golebiowski, L. Ferreira, M. Campbell)

Auditorium AB Meyrin:
14:30 Round table discussion (introduced and chaired by A. Siemko AT Dpt with W. Kalbreier, L. Rossi, D. Tommassini, L. Walckiers, W. Wuensch)
15:30 Wrap-up of what has been discussed, seeds for co-operation, TT opportunities identified etc.
12_Concluding remarks_Streit-Bianchi.pdf
16:00 End of the workshop
Summary of the workshop (pdf)

Click here for the pictures taken in the event!